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On Mondays, do you find yourself wondering where the weekend went? Do you find it hard to have a relaxing weekend? In fact, you often think to yourself “it feels like I didn’t even have time to relax!”
Most people view Saturday and Sunday as a time to catch up on all the things they didn’t have time to do during the week: have fun, see loved ones, and and do it all over again just five days later.
This routine can leave you just as drained and exhausted on Monday morning as you felt on Friday afternoon.
So how can you really relax and recharge on the weekend without feeling exhausted on Monday? Here’s how to have a relaxing weekend.
How To Make Sure Your Weekend is Relaxing
1. Stop sleeping late.
Although you may be tempted to do so, sleeping the morning away will rob you of valuable time to get out there and make the most of your weekend. This is especially pronounced during the winter when daylight hours are shorter. Sleeping in could make the difference between getting outdoors for an adventure and sitting inside watching Friends reruns.
In fact, it will end up interfering with your sleep schedule during the rest of the week, making you even more exhausted. If you’re really tired, just take a short power nap during the day instead.
This isn’t to say you shouldn’t go out for drinks on a Friday night with your pals. Simply avoid the urge to bing-watch Netflix or spend hours in the rabbit hole of staring at your phone screen going through Instagram feeds.
2. Stop working!
That’s right, actually give work a rest. In order to have a relaxing weekend, you need to make a conscious decision at 5:00pm on Friday to stop working and start relaxing. Of course, there may be emergencies that come up but don’t let that become a habit. Create boundaries at work and stick to them. Otherwise you risk burn out.
Imagine you’re transforming from the “work version” of yourself into the happy-go-lucky, relaxing “weekend version.” Relax, guilt-free!
3. Unplug from social media and smartphones.
Being constantly connected spreads your attention thin, draining you of valuable energy at a time when you’re trying to relax and—pardon the pun—recharge.
4. Plan ahead—but also go with the flow.
Strike a good balance. You can look forward to future activities and have plans in place, but also let yourself be flexible without packing the weekend too tightly.
5. Get out of your comfort zone.
Monotony can make even the most relaxing weekend feel boring, and what else is more exhausting than that?
Challenge yourself with new physical or intellectual activities. Make your weekends different every week.
Consider a weekend “staycation”: pretend you’re a tourist in your own city or town. Perhaps there are some interesting places you’ve never checked out that are just minutes away from you!
6. Schedule some “nothing” time.
For years, I’ve scheduled out a morning or afternoon every weekend to be entirely without plans.
Super 8 Ways Ultimate Online
This may seem boring, but it’s a healthy way for me to recharge and hit the “reset” button. I know I don’t have to be anywhere, do anything, or be accountable to anyone, and that’s so satisfying.
Carve out at least an hour to be entirely selfish and self-indulgent.
7. Don’t postpone all your chores or errands for the weekend.
It may feel tempting to save your chores for Sunday, but resist the urge. Doing this will just stress you out when you are trying to decompress. Knock off some of your chores during the week so you can really relax during the weekend. And if you still have a lot piled on, try and spread them out a bit and then reward the accomplishment with something fun.
8. Fight the “Sunday blues.”
Is it hard for you to enjoy the weekend because you’re dreading the work week that lies ahead?
Remember, you’re wasting an entire day of your life every single time you do this. Allow your Sunday to be chill and enriching.
And above all, know that these days are yours. Make them different and special and allow yourself to have a relaxing weekend.
Jonathan Alpert, author of BE FEARLESS: Change Your Life in 28 Days, holds an advanced degree in psychology and is licensed in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. as a Professional Counselor. His direct and no-nonsense approach has helped countless clients overcome a wide range of issues and go on to achieve success in their careers and relationships. Jonathan has appeared on every major national news show and is a special contributor to the Huffington Post.
Photo by moorebig50
Super Smash Bros. Ultimatefans received a surprise 8.1.0 update Tuesday night that added Small Battlefield as a new stage and claimed to improve the game's infamously spotty online Quickplay mode. Competitive Smashers have long hoped for a patch to make online play less laggy since the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has made in-person tournaments impossible. Unfortunately, the version 8.1.0 update to Smash Ultimate landed with a thud.
Nintendo's patch notes vaguely state that 'the online users experience has been adjusted,' but didn't explain exactly what was tweaked under the hood. Even Game Director Masahiro Sakurai sounded like he wasn't sure if Nintendo's changes to Quickplay would amount to any noticeable improvements in connectivity.
'By the way, the connectivity when playing 1-on-1 online may be slightly improved with this update,' he wrote in a Twitter thread about the update. 'Please give it a try!'
Thousands of gamers booted up their Switches to try out the update right away, but the vast majority of them couldn't feel a difference.
Top Smash Bros. Melee player, William “Leffen” Hjelte, published a Twitter poll Tuesday night to see if anyone felt a major difference in Quickplay's connectivity. More than half of the 16,000 respondents said 'Feels the same.' More players thought it felt worse than it did significantly better. Many of Smash Ultimate's best players echoed those sentiments.
Kolawole 'Kola' Aideyan, who's ranked as the best player in Georgia, tweeted that Smash Ultimate online was 'the exact fucking same' as it has always been. While Rasheen 'Dark Wizzy' Rose — who's considered to be the best Mario main in the world — stated that he didn't feel any difference in Quickplay and that until Nintendo or the community runs tests on the improvements, it would be nearly impossible to tell.
Competitive Smash veteran Larry 'Larry Lurr' Holland was one of the few pros who said they noticed an improvement in Quickplay's connection. However, he admitted that it might just be a placebo effect.
'It feels like there's slightly less input delay,' he tweeted. 'Reacting to certain things felt a bit more consistent. Not a drastic improvement, but to me it feels noticeably better. Again, could be my imagination though.'
What does this mean for online tournaments?
Online Smash Ultimate tournaments, like the Quarantine Series, will continue as long as the pandemic keeps players attending in-person tourneys, however, Smash Ultimate's top players will continue to refrain from taking them as seriously as offline events.
The Spring 2020 season of competitive Smash will remain frozen as long as players cannot attend the major, in-person tournaments that count towards their global ranking. That means there won't be an update to the Fall 2019 global ranking any time soon, but there's a sliver of hope that Quickplay could get better with time.
The Version 8.1.0 patch notes state that 'further investigations and adjustments to Online mode are expected.' That suggests incremental improvements to Smash's online matchmaking that might add up to noticeable improvements further down the line, but it's uncertain how Nintendo is handling the repercussions of having to work remotely because of the pandemic.
Sakurai has previouslywarned fans that shifting all of its developers to a work-from-home system has led to unexpected bumps in the road and a slow-down of the workflow. The effects of Covid-19 have impacted companies and supply chains across the gaming industry. Nintendo is no different, but the games giant seems particularly affected by the pandemic.
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There have been reports suggesting that the company won't be producing any large-scale Nintendo Direct presentations in the near future. Instead, Nintendo has opted for announcing new games, like Paper Mario: The Origami King, with surprise one-off trailers. This strategy is typical for most gaming franchises but unusual for Nintendo's properties.
Super 8 Ways Ultimate Online Games
Smash Ultimate's Quickplay mode was spotty well before the pandemic, so it's tough to imagine Nintendo has the resources and manpower to overhaul its entire online-play system given the current circumstances. There is a silver lining, though: Version 8.1.0 served as more of a statement that the company is paying attention to the years' worth of complaints about Smash's netplay. This could be the beginning of some major improvements, but for now, it feels like little more than a Baby (Mario) step forward.
Super 8 Ways Ultimate Online Play
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's version 8.1.0 update is now available.